Describe the personal experience of being part of a simulation like this. What surprised you about it? What was harder than you expected? What did you do during the simulation, who did you talk to, and why? Did you get what you were hoping to in the final decisions? Why or why not? If you […]
Provide a brief analysis of the The Atlantic article, Prisoners of Cable found in the Objectives, Readings and Resources from a managerial economics perspective. How do the proposed mergers of Comcast and Time-Warner and later AT&T and Time Warner apply to the article?
Review Milton Friedman’s famous article on, The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits, found in the Objectives, Readings and Resources. Write an essay summarizing how Friedman’s view on social responsibility is related to the efficient boundary of the business firm in today’s business environment. Include evidence and a specific real-world example to […]
A. Explain the principle known as monetary policy ineffectiveness and discuss Lucas’ argument as to why it arises in an economy in which agents have rational expectations. [70 marks]
Comparison of two companies and their financial performances. Target company is Discover and benchmark company is American Express.
1. When communicating in groups, are you able to discern the demeanor, language or behaviors of the group and alter your communication strategy for a better understanding?
You have mentioned the need for collaboration between the physician and other departments involved in caring for the patient in order for value based care to be successful. What are some processes that could be put in place to provide for this collaboration?
Discuss how educational system has been changing through last decades in order to improve internationalization of students, either by focusing in direct exchange programes through institutions or introducing international services/courses to improve the offering of universities.
1. The President is ofter called the “Chief Legislator”. What constitutional powers does the President have to create legislation (bills) and law? How are these powers checked by the other branches? What written orders can presidents use to define the enforcement of newly-signed bills or already existing laws? Consider the following presidents to illustrate the […]
Charlie Leonard is a 68-year-old widower who has been increasingly withdrawn and lonely. Five months ago, his wife died very suddenly after a cardiac arrest. He was with her when she died. They had been married for 42 years. He is a longtime member of his church, but hehas missed services and Bible study classes […]