Suppose a communication receiver consists of two components, a d Suppose a communication receiver consists of two components, a demodulator and a decoder. The demodulator is based on a Markov model of the combined modulator and channel, and the decoder is based on a Markov model of a forward error correction code. Discuss how the […]
A computer executes four instructions that are designated by the A computer executes four instructions that are designated by the code words (00, 01, 10, 11). Assuming that the instructions are used independently with probabilities (1/2, 1/8, 1/8, 1/4), calculate the percentage by which the number of bits used for the instructions may be reduced […]
Summarize the similarities and differences between the standard Summarize the similarities and differences between the standard MSK and Gaussian-filtered MSK signals.
Some radio systems suffer from multipath distortion, which is ca Some radio systems suffer from multipath distortion, which is caused by the existence of more than one propagation path between the transmitter and the receiver. Consider a channel the output of which, in response to a signal s (t), is defined by (in the absence […]
Repeat Problem 4.9 for the case of unipolar return-to-zero signa Repeat Problem 4.9 for the case of unipolar return-to-zero signaling, in which case symbol 1 is represented by a pulse of amplitude A and duration Tb/2 and symbol 0 is represent by transmitting no pulse. Hence show that this unipolar type of signaling requires twice […]
In 1880 five aboriginal trackers were each promised the equivalent of 50 Australian In 1880 five aboriginal trackers were each promised the equivalent of 50 Australian dollars for helping to capture the notorious outlaw Ned Kelley. In 1999 the granddaughters of two of the trackers claimed that this reward had not been paid. The prime […]
Repeat Problem 4.16, given that each set of three successive Repeat Problem 4.16, given that each set of three successive binary digits in the computer output are coded into one of eight possible amplitude levels, and the resulting signal is transmitted using an eight-level PAM system designed to have a raised-cosine spectrum.
Referring to Table 7.1, develop the maximal-length codes for the Referring to Table 7.1, develop the maximal-length codes for the three feedback configurations [6, 1], [6, 5, 2, 1], and [6, 5, 3, 2], whose period is N = 63.
Repeat the calculations of Problem 3.32, but this time use Repeat the calculations of Problem 3.32, but this time use a linear predictor with two unit-delays. Compare the performance of this second optimum linear predictor with that considered in Problem 3.32.
19 Determine the effective annualized cost of forgoing the tradediscount on terms 2/10 net 45 (round to nearest .01%). a. 21.0% b. 16.3% c. 16.0% d. 20.6%