A binary PCM system using polar NRZ signaling operates just A binary PCM system using polar NRZ signaling operates just above the error threshold with an average probability of error equal to 10-6. Suppose that the signaling rate doubled. Find the new value of the average probability of error. You may use Table to evaluate […]
Consider the following binary sequence it 10 1001100010110 100 U Consider the following binary sequence it 10 1001100010110 100 Use the LempelâZiv algorithm to encode this sequence. Assume that the binary symbols 0 and 1 are already in the codebook.
Consider the frequency demodulation scheme in Figure in which Consider the frequency demodulation scheme in Figure in which the incoming FM signal s (t) is passed through a delay line that produces a phase-shift of p/2 radians at the carrier frequency A?c. The delay-line output is subtracted from the incoming FM signal, and the resulting […]
Sketch the PM and FM waves produced by the saw Sketch the PM and FM waves produced by the saw tooth wave shown inFigure.
A convolutional encoder has a single-shift register with two sta A convolutional encoder has a single-shift register with two stages, (i.e., constraint length K = 3), three modulo-2 adders, and an output multiplexer. The generator sequences of the encoder are as follows: g(1) = (1, 0, 1) g(2) = (1, 1, 0) g(3) = (1, […]
Suppose that in the receiver of the quadrature-carrier Suppose that in the receiver of the quadrature-carrier multiplex system of Figure b, the local carrier available for demodulation has a phase error F with respect to the carrier source used in the transmitter and receiver, show that this phase error will cause cross-talk to arise between […]
Suppose that in a baseband M-ary PAM system with M Suppose that in a baseband M-ary PAM system with M equally likely amplitude levels, as described in Probl Specify the Nyquist rate and the Nyquist interval for each of the following signals: (a) g (t) = sinc (200t) (b) g (t) sinc2 (200t) (c) g […]
Suppose that in a baseband M-ary PAM system with M Suppose that in a baseband M-ary PAM system with M equally likely amplitude levels, as described in Problem 4.27, the average probability of symbol error Pe is less than 10-6 so as to make the occurrence of decoding errors negligible. Show that the minimum value […]
Show that the truth table given in Table 7.3 can Show that the truth table given in Table 7.3 can be constructed by combining the following two steps: (a) The message signal b(t) and PN signal c(t) are added modulo-2. (b) Symbols 0 and 1 at the modulo-2 adder output are represented by phase shifts […]
Suppose a random binary data stream (with equiprobable symbols Suppose a random binary data stream (with equiprobable symbols) is differentially encoded and then transmitted using one of the five line codes described in Problem 3.11. How is the power spectral density of the transmitted data affected by the use of differential encoding? Justify your answer.