Category: Uncategorized

Consider the (15, 4) maximal-length code that is the dual

Consider the (15, 4) maximal-length code that is the dual

Consider the (15, 4) maximal-length code that is the dual Consider the (15, 4) maximal-length code that is the dual of the (15, 11) Hamming code of problem. Do the following: (a) Find the feedback connections of the encoder, and compare your results with those of Table 7.1 on maximal-length codes presented. (b) Find the […]

Continuing with the four line codes considered in Problem 5.1,

Continuing with the four line codes considered in Problem 5.1,

Continuing with the four line codes considered in Problem 5.1, Continuing with the four line codes considered in Problem 5.1, identity the line codes that have minimum average energy and those that do not. Compare your answers with the observations made on these Line codes in Section 3.7.

1. (TCO B) Zeff Co. prepared the following reconciliation of its pretax financial s

1. (TCO B) Zeff Co. prepared the following reconciliation of its pretax financial s

1. (TCO B) Zeff Co. prepared the following reconciliation of its pretax financial s 1. (TCO B) Zeff Co. prepared the following reconciliation of its pretax financial statement income to taxable income for the year ended December 31, Year 1, its first year of operations: Pretax financial income $160,000 Nontaxable interest received on municipal securities […]

A continuous random variable X is constrained to a peak

A continuous random variable X is constrained to a peak

A continuous random variable X is constrained to a peak A continuous random variable X is constrained to a peak magnitude M that is – M < x=””><> (a) Show that the differential entropy of X is maximum when it is uniformly distributed, as shown by (b) Show that the maximum differential entropy of X […]

Show that, with a non-uniform quantizer, the mean-square value

Show that, with a non-uniform quantizer, the mean-square value

Show that, with a non-uniform quantizer, the mean-square value Show that, with a non-uniform quantizer, the mean-square value of the quantization error is approximately equal to (1/12) Si ?2i pi, where ?i is the ith step size and pi is the probability that the input signal amplitude lies within the ith interval. Assume that the […]

Show that the power spectral density of a CAP signal with a

Show that the power spectral density of a CAP signal with a

Show that the power spectral density of a CAP signal with a Show that the power spectral density of a CAP signal with a total of L amplitude levels is defined by S(f) = s2A/T |P(f)|2 where |P(f)| is the magnitude spectrum of the pass band in phase pulse p(t); the s2A is the variance […]

Set up a block diagram for the generation of Sunde’s

Set up a block diagram for the generation of Sunde’s

Set up a block diagram for the generation of Sunde’s Set up a block diagram for the generation of Sunde’s FSK signal s(t) with continuous phase by using the representation given in Equation (6.104), which is reproducedhere:

A carrier wave of frequency 100 MHz is frequency-modulated by

A carrier wave of frequency 100 MHz is frequency-modulated by

A carrier wave of frequency 100 MHz is frequency-modulated by A carrier wave of frequency 100 MHz is frequency-modulated by a sinusoidal wave of amplitude 20 volts and frequency 100 kHz. The frequency sensitivity of the modulator is 2.3 kHz per volt. (a) Determine the approximate bandwidth of the FM signal, using Carson’s rule. (b) […]

A continuous-wave (CW) beacon transmitter is located on a satell

A continuous-wave (CW) beacon transmitter is located on a satell

A continuous-wave (CW) beacon transmitter is located on a satell A continuous-wave (CW) beacon transmitter is located on a satellite in geostationary orbit. The beacon’s 12 GHz output is monitored by an earth station positioned 40,000 km from the satellite. The satellite transmitting antenna is a 1m dish with an aperture efficiency of 70 percent, […]