Equation (9.138) for the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of a vector Equation (9.138) for the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of a vector quantizer includes the SNR formula of Equation (3.33) for standard pulse-code modulation as a special case for which k = 1. Justify the validity of this inclusion.
1. (TCO 3) Using the following information 1. (TCO 3) Using the following information regarding actual sales for Sams Ski Supplies, calculate the regression (trend) line: Sales for Sams Ski Supplies ($000s) Month First Year Second Year January 380 400 February 340 360 March 320 330 April 280 290 May 265 270 June 230 235 […]
Consider the quadrature-carrier multiplex system of Figure. The Consider the quadrature-carrier multiplex system of Figure. The multiplexed signal s (t) produced at the transmitter output in Figure a is applied to a communication channel of frequency response H (A?). The output of this channel is, in turn, applied to the receiver input in Figure b. […]
Consider the signal s (t) shown in Figure. (a) Determine the Consider the signal s (t) shown in Figure. (a) Determine the impulse response of a filter matched to this signal and sketch it as a function of rime. (b) Plot the matched filter output as a function of time. (c) What is the peak […]
Consider the rate r = 1/2, constraint length K = Consider the rate r = 1/2, constraint length K = 2 convolutional encoder of figure the code is systematic. Find the encoder output produced by the message sequence10111….
Consider the quantized demodulator for binary PSK signals shown Consider the quantized demodulator for binary PSK signals shown in Figure. The quantizer is a four-Level quantizer, normalized as in Figure. Evaluate the transition probabilities of the binary input-quarternary output discrete memory less channel so characterized. Hence, show that it is a symmetric channel. Assume that […]
1. (TCO 3) Using the following information regarding actual sales for Sam’s 1. (TCO 3) Using the following information regarding actual sales for Sams Ski Supplies, calculate the regression (trend) line: Sales for Sams Ski Supplies ($000s) Month First Year Second Year January 380 400 February 340 360 March 320 330 April 280 290 May […]
Consider the output of an envelope detector defined by Equation Consider the output of an envelope detector defined by Equation (2.92), which is reproduced here for convenience y (t) = {[Ac + Ac ka m (t) + n l (t)] 2 + n2Q (t)} 1/2 (a) Assume that the probability of the event | nQ […]
Consider the optimum detection of the sinusoidal signal s (t) Consider the optimum detection of the sinusoidal signal s (t) sin (8pt/T), 0 = t = T, in additive white Gaussian noise. (a) Determine the correlator output assuming a noiseless input. (b) Determine the corresponding matched filter output, assuming that the filter includes a delay […]
Figure shows a pair of signals s1 (t) and s2 (t) that are Figure shows a pair of signals s1 (t) and s2 (t) that are orthogonal to each other over the observation interval 0 = t = 3T. The received signal is defined by below, where w (t) is white Gaussian noise of zero […]