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Assume that the narrowband noise n (t) is Guassian and

Assume that the narrowband noise n (t) is Guassian and

Assume that the narrowband noise n (t) is Guassian and Assume that the narrowband noise n (t) is Guassian and its power spectral density SN (A?) is symmetric about the mid band frequency A?c. Show that the in-phase and quadrature components of n (t) are statistically independent.

Consider a square-law detector; using a nonlinear device whose t

Consider a square-law detector; using a nonlinear device whose t

Consider a square-law detector; using a nonlinear device whose t Consider a square-law detector; using a nonlinear device whose transfer characteristics is defined by v2 (t) = a1v1 (t) + a2v21 (t), where a1 and a2 are constant, v1 (t) is the input, and v2 (t) is the output. The input consists of the AM […]

By using the pre-emphasis filter shown in Figure a and

By using the pre-emphasis filter shown in Figure a and

By using the pre-emphasis filter shown in Figure a and By using the pre-emphasis filter shown in Figure a and with a voice signal as the modulating wave, and FM transmitter produces a signal that is essentially frequency modulated by the lower audio frequencies and phase-modulated by the higher audio frequencies. Explain the reasons for […]

Figure shows a 240-QAM signal constellation, which may be viewed

Figure shows a 240-QAM signal constellation, which may be viewed

Figure shows a 240-QAM signal constellation, which may be viewed Figure shows a 240-QAM signal constellation, which may be viewed as an extended form of QAM cross constellation. (a) Identify the portion of Figure that is a QAM square constellation,. (b) Build on part (a) to identify the portion of Figure that is a QAM […]

Figure a show the circuit diagram of a switching modulator.

Figure a show the circuit diagram of a switching modulator.

Figure a show the circuit diagram of a switching modulator. Figure a show the circuit diagram of a switching modulator. Assume that the carrier wave c (t) applied to the diode is large in amplitude, so that the diode acts like an ideal switch: it presents zero impedance when forward biased (i.e. c (t) > […]

Figure displays the waveforms of four signals s1 (t), s2

Figure displays the waveforms of four signals s1 (t), s2

Figure displays the waveforms of four signals s1 (t), s2 Figure displays the waveforms of four signals s1 (t), s2 (t), s3 (t) and s4 (t). (a) Using the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure, find an orthonormal basis for this set of signals. (b) Construct the corresponding signal-spacediagram.