Category: Uncategorized

Consider a binary input AWGN channel, in which the binary

Consider a binary input AWGN channel, in which the binary

Consider a binary input AWGN channel, in which the binary Consider a binary input AWGN channel, in which the binary symbols 1 and 0 are equally likely. The binary symbols are transmitted over the channel by means of phase-shift keying. The code symbol energy is E, and the AWGN has zero mean and power spectral […]

Consider a binary symmetric channel characterized by the transit

Consider a binary symmetric channel characterized by the transit

Consider a binary symmetric channel characterized by the transit Consider a binary symmetric channel characterized by the transition probability p. Plot the mutual information of the channel as a function of p1, the a priori probability of symbol 1 at the channel input; do your calculations for the transition probability p = 0, 0.1, 0.2, […]

Consider a baseband M-ary system using M discrete amplitude

Consider a baseband M-ary system using M discrete amplitude

Consider a baseband M-ary system using M discrete amplitude Consider a baseband M-ary system using M discrete amplitude levels. The receiver model is as shown in Figure, the operation of which is governed by the following assumptions; (a) The signal component in the received wave is m (t) = S n a n sin (t/T […]

Consider a baseband binary PAM system that is designed

Consider a baseband binary PAM system that is designed

Consider a baseband binary PAM system that is designed Consider a baseband binary PAM system that is designed to have a raised-cosine spectrum P (A?). The resulting pulse p (t) is defined in Equation (4.62). How would this pulse be modified if the system was designed to have a linear phase response?

Consider a sine wave of frequency A?m and amplitude Am which is

Consider a sine wave of frequency A?m and amplitude Am which is

Consider a sine wave of frequency A?m and amplitude Am which is Consider a sine wave of frequency A?m and amplitude Am which is applied to a delta modulator of step sue A. Show that slope-overload distortion will occur if Am > ?/2p A?m Ts where Ts is the sampling period. What is the maximum […]

Both wireless communications and satellite communications rely o

Both wireless communications and satellite communications rely o

Both wireless communications and satellite communications rely o Both wireless communications and satellite communications rely on radio propagation for their operations. Summarize (a) The similarities of these two multiuser communication systems, and (b) The major differences that distinguish them from each other.  

As explained in the Introduction to this chapter, channel coding

As explained in the Introduction to this chapter, channel coding

As explained in the Introduction to this chapter, channel coding As explained in the Introduction to this chapter, channel coding can be used to reduce the Eb/N0 required for a prescribed error performance or reduce the size of the receiving antenna for a prescribed Eb/N0. In this problem we explore these two practical benefits of […]

An unmodulated carrier of amplitude Ac and frequency A?c and

An unmodulated carrier of amplitude Ac and frequency A?c and

An unmodulated carrier of amplitude Ac and frequency A?c and An unmodulated carrier of amplitude Ac and frequency A?c and band-limited white noise are summed and then passed through an ideal envelope detector. Assume the noise spectral density to be of height N0/2 and bandwidth 2W, centered about the carrier frequency A?c. Determine the output […]

An orthogonal set of signals is characterized by the property

An orthogonal set of signals is characterized by the property

An orthogonal set of signals is characterized by the property An orthogonal set of signals is characterized by the property that the inner product any pair of signals in the set is zero. Figure shows a pair of signals s1 (t) and s2 (t) that satisfy this condition. Construct the signal constellation for s1 (t) […]