The number-average The number-average molecular weight of a polypropylene is 1,000,000 g/mol. Compute the degree of polymerization.
The number-average molecular weight of a poly (styrene-butadiene The number-average molecular weight of a poly (styrene-butadiene) alternating copolymer is 1,350,000 g/mol; determine the average number of styrene and butadiene repeat units per molecule.
The modulus of elasticity for beryllium oxide (BeO) having 5vol% The modulus of elasticity for beryllium oxide (BeO) having 5vol% porosity is 310GPa (45 ( 106psi). (a) Compute the modulus of elasticity for the nonporous material. (b) Compute the modulus of elasticity for 10vol% porosity.
The microstructure of an iron-carbon alloy consists of proeutect The microstructure of an iron-carbon alloy consists of proeutectoid ferrite and pearlite; the mass fractions of these microconstituents are 0.20 and 0.80, respectively. Determine the concentration of carbon in this alloy.
From Equation 8.19, if the logarithm of is plotted versus the From Equation 8.19, if the logarithm of is plotted versus the logarithm of s, then a straight line should result, the slope of which is the stress exponent n. Using Figure 8.31, determine the value of n for the S-590 alloy at 925째C, and […]
. Which of the following . Which of the following statements is most correct? (Points : 6) A. If the stock market is weak-form efficient, this means you cannot use private information to outperform the market. B. If the stock market is semistrong-form efficient, this means the expected return on stocks and bonds should be […]
a. Prepare the Cash Flows from Operating Activities section of the statement of cas a. Prepare the Cash Flows from Operating Activities section of the statement of cash flows, using the direct method. Use the minus sign to indicate any cash outflows or negative amounts. cash received from customers__________________ $279,900 deduct cash payments for merchandise_____________? […]
From Figure, the phase diagram for the MgO–Al2O3 system, From Figure, the phase diagram for the MgO–Al2O3 system, it may be noted that the spinel solid solution exists over a range of compositions, which means that it is nonstoichiometric at compositions other than 50 mol% MgO–50 mol% Al2O3. (a) The maximum nonstoichiometry on the Al2O3-rich […]
For each of the metals listed in the table, compute For each of the metals listed in the table, compute the PillingâBedworth ratio. Also, on the basis of this value, specify whether or not you would expect the oxide scale that forms on the surface to be protective, and then justify your decision. Density data […]
From figure estimate the value of A in Equation 18.11 From figure estimate the value of A in Equation 18.11 for zinc as an impurity in copperâzincalloys.