Category: Uncategorized

Address issues such as how community organizations can continue operations in a crisis period, attract financing/ financial support, get people to volunteer, etc.

Address issues such as how community organizations can continue operations in a crisis period, attract financing/ financial support, get people to volunteer, etc.

research project about how community organizations can be more sustainable. Specifically, this research project can address issues such as how community organizations can continue operations in a crisis period, attract financing/ financial support, get people to volunteer, etc. Part of this research project can be general and part should be specific to a particular community […]

Explain the calculation and interpretation of net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), payback period, and profitability index (PI) of a capital project.

Explain the calculation and interpretation of net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), payback period, and profitability index (PI) of a capital project.

For this week’s assignment, review the readings and any outside research you have done related to how the evaluation process and selection of capital projects are affected by mutually exclusive projects, project sequencing, and capital rationing. Pay particular attention to Burns and Walker’s 2009 article, “Capital Budgeting Surveys: The Future is Now,” which was assigned […]

Describe at least three values/beliefs that are important to you. Describe how your values affect your nursing practice and how nursing practice affects your values

Describe at least three values/beliefs that are important to you. Describe how your values affect your nursing practice and how nursing practice affects your values

Describe your personal view of nursing. Questions you will consider in writing this section are: What is nursing to you? How is nursing unique compared to other health care professions? If nurses were not caring for patients, what would be missing from their care? Describe at least three values/beliefs that are important to you. Describe […]

Address issues such as how community organizations can continue operations in a crisis period, attract financing/financial support, get people to volunteer, etc.

Address issues such as how community organizations can continue operations in a crisis period, attract financing/financial support, get people to volunteer, etc.

Graduating students can work on a research project about how community organizations can be more sustainable. Specifically, this research project can address issues such as how community organizations can continue operations in a crisis period, attract financing/financial support, get people to volunteer, etc. Part of this research project can be general and part should be […]