Category: Uncategorized

Discuss : The Process of how to register to vote.

Discuss : The Process of how to register to vote.

write three page paper • Subject: The Process of how to register to vote. o must Include: 1. Qualifications for a VRC 2. Who can process the VRC 3. Three or more places you can get a VRC application 4. When and where you can vote 5. What resources (3 or more) can be used […]

Discuss three themes regarding professional ethics that are shared by the code of ethics for law enforcement, attorneys, and corrections.

Discuss three themes regarding professional ethics that are shared by the code of ethics for law enforcement, attorneys, and corrections.

Review the code of ethics for law enforcement, attorneys, and correctional personnel (several examples are provided in the Appendices of the textbook) and address the following issues: What are codes of ethics and how are they utilized by criminal justice agencies? What purpose do the codes serve for criminal justice professions? Discuss three themes regarding […]

Write a 2-3 page analysis of the legal case Robles v. Dominos Pizza

Write a 2-3 page analysis of the legal case Robles v. Dominos Pizza

Using the FIRAC method, write a 2-3 page analysis of the legal case Robles v. Dominos Pizza (Links to an external site.). Make sure to clearly label each section: Facts, Issue, Rule(s), Analysis, Conclusion. Follow APA formatting standards (see Purdue OWL APA (Links to an external site.) for help). Make sure you correctly cite every […]

Write an argumentative essay on modernizing High Schools.

Write an argumentative essay on modernizing High Schools.

argumentative essay on modernizing High Schools. Must include a claim, 2 sources, and a counter argument. Must have footnote with in text citation, the footnote must be at the bottom of the page but have in-text citation again, last page must be a bibliography sorted A to Z (alphabetized), convert to MLA format, with hanging […]