the subject is public relation
re is 2 part to the essay:
part 1: is the draft which u can use the table templet
part 2: the final essay
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1 HEP: HEP: NSW5028/CRICOS Provider Code NSW00246M QLD03107J PRN101_T3_2013_OL_A2_Essay Assessment Task: Choose an Australian Not for Profit organization and analyse how different application fields of public relations (e.g. employee communication, investor relations, government or community relations) are influenced by new media technologies. Outline and analyse, with reference to public relations theory if social and digital media is being used either effectively or poorly for image and reputational purposes. Discuss how the most important principles and theories of public relations apply. Your essay should discuss examples of digital media application fields in your chosen organisation, as well as analysis about the use of digital media from academic research. You will be required to present an essay outline in Week 6 including a research list of at least 7 academic articles and other resources you will use to complete the essay. Note: There are TWO PARTS to this assessment task. BOTH parts must be completed in order to fulfil the requirements of this assessment. Assessment Brief Program Bachelor of Business Subject Understanding Public Relations Subject code PRN101 Name of assessment Academic Essay Length 1700 -2000 words Learning outcomes addressed by this assessment: 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 Submission Date: Part 1: 11:55pm Sunday of week 6 Part 2: 11:55pm Sunday of week 10 Assessment brief Summary: Academic essay writing. This essay aims to asses the students understanding of the principles and theories of PR and their ability to relate these to PR application fileds. Total marks 100 Marks Weighting 40%
2 HEP: HEP: NSW5028/CRICOS Provider Code NSW00246M QLD03107J PRN101_T3_2013_OL_A2_Essay 1. Part One: Essay Plan The Question: Analyse and discuss how (AUSTRALIAN Not for Profit organisation) is managing their image and reputation, as well as relating with their publics through the use digital media for PR purposes? Students are required to submit an essay plan in…
1 HEP: HEP: NSW5028/CRICOS Provider Code NSW00246M QLD03107J PRN101_T3_2013_OL_A2_Essay Assessment Task: Choose an Australian Not for Profit organization and analyse how different application fields of public relations (e.g. employee communication, investor relations, government or community relations) are influenced by new media technologies. Outline and analyse, with reference to public relations theory if social and digital media is being used either effectively or poorly for image and reputational purposes. Discuss how the most important principles and theories of public relations apply. Your essay should discuss examples of digital media application fields in your chosen organisation, as well as analysis about the use of digital media from academic research. You will be required to present an essay outline in Week 6 including a research list of at least 7 academic articles and other resources you will use to complete the essay. Note: There are TWO PARTS to this assessment task. BOTH parts must be completed in order to fulfil the requirements of this assessment. Assessment Brief Program Bachelor of Business Subject Understanding Public Relations Subject code PRN101 Name of assessment Academic Essay Length 1700 -2000 words Learning outcomes addressed by this assessment: 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 Submission Date: Part 1: 11:55pm Sunday of week 6 Part 2: 11:55pm Sunday of week 10 Assessment brief Summary: Academic essay writing. This essay aims to asses the students understanding of the principles and theories of PR and their ability to relate these to PR application fileds. Total marks 100 Marks Weighting 40%
2 HEP: HEP: NSW5028/CRICOS Provider Code NSW00246M QLD03107J PRN101_T3_2013_OL_A2_Essay 1. Part One: Essay Plan The Question: Analyse and discuss how (AUSTRALIAN Not for Profit organisation) is managing their image and reputation, as well as relating with their publics through the use digital media for PR purposes? Students are required to submit an essay plan in…