It is possible to express the magnetic susceptibility χm in
It is possible to express the magnetic susceptibility ?m in several different units. For the discussion of this chapter, ?m was used to designate the volume susceptibility in SI units, that is, the quantity that gives the magnetization per unit volume (m3) of material when multiplied by H. The mass susceptibility ?m (kg) yields the magnetic moment (or magnetization) per kilogram of material when multiplied by H; and, similarly, the atomic susceptibility ?m(a) gives the magnetization per kilogram-mole. The latter two quantities are related to ?m through the relationships
?m = ?m(kg) A? mass density (in kg/m3)
?m(a) = ?m(kg) A? atomic weight (in kg)]
When using the cgsâemu system, comparable parameters exist, which may be designated by ?’m, ?’m(g), and ?’m(a); the ?m and ?’m are related in accordance with Table 20.1. From Table 20.2, ?m for silver is â2.38 A? 10â5; convert this value into the other five susceptibilities.