Identify diversity issues as related to the specialty topic.”home schooling”.

Synthesize knowledge of principles, research, and evidence-based strategies to develop a relevant and focused specialty topic paper.
Evaluate current research and its applicability to the practice of school psychology.
Examine the implications of the specialty topic as it relates to family systems and culture.
Identify diversity issues as related to the specialty topic.
Analyze existing research related to the specialty topic as it relates to social development and learning environments.
Analyze existing research related to the specialty topic as it relates to mental health services.
Analyze assessment and data-collection methods that evaluate programs to support cognitive and academic skills.
Analyze the application of legal, ethical, and professional standards as related to the specialty topic.
Evaluate the content and design of the specialty topic paper and presentation, by engaging in peer review or communication with a mentor.
Use academic language appropriate for the field, expected of scholar-practitioners.
Use grammar, punctuation, current APA style and formatting, and mechanics appropriate for professional communications.