As the chief of your department, you understand the importance of having your organization accredited and your officer staff credentialed. You have decided to pursue accreditation for your department and to get all your officer staff individually credentialed through the Center for Public Safety Excellence. Officer credentials sought will be based on their job description. For example, and where applicable, training officers will earn the “Chief Training Officer” designation, risk reduction specialist will earn the “Fire Marshal” designation, and company officers will earn the “Fire Officer” designation.
Knowing this will take a significant financial commitment, you must develop a presentation for the stakeholders (e.g., mayor, city council) justifying the cost. This presentation will be based upon your research of accreditation and credentialing and must explain how your organization will benefit from pursuing such a goal.
The title of your presentation is “Accreditation & Credentialing and their Value to our Department.”
Your presentation must accomplish the following items listed below.
Start with an introduction outlining the purpose of the presentation.
Explain what accreditation is and why it is important.
Briefly outline the accreditation process (steps, players, timeline).
Identify at least one other department that is accredited that you can use as a benchmark.
Explain the return on investment (for your organization and community) of becoming accredited.
Explain what credentialing is and why it is important.
Outline specific credentials your department will seek.
Explain the return on investment for your officer staff obtaining credentials.
Explain how networking through this process can positively impact your department’s ability to improve.