It is desired to produce an aligned and continuous fiber-reinfor
It is desired to produce an aligned and continuous fiber-reinforced epoxy composite having a maximum of 50vol% fibers. In addition, a minimum longitudinal modulus of elasticity of 50GPa (7.3 ( 106psi) is required, as well as a minimum tensile strength of 1300MPa (189,000psi). Of E-glass, carbon (PAN standard modulus), and aramid fiber materials, which are possible candidates and why? The epoxy has a modulus of elasticity of 3.1GPa (4.5 ( 105psi) and a tensile strength of 75MPa (11,000psi). In addition, assume the following stress levels on the epoxy matrix at fiber failure: E-glass—70MPa (10,000psi); carbon (PAN standard modulus)—30MPa (4350psi); and aramid—50MPa (7250psi). Other fiber data are contained in Tables B.2 and B.4 in Appendix B. For aramid and carbon fibers, use average strengths computed from the minimum and maximum values provided in Table B.4.