Consider a pair of complex-valued signals s1 (t) and s2 (t) that
Consider a pair of complex-valued signals s1 (t) and s2 (t) that are respectively represented by s1 (t) = a11 F1 (t) + a12 F2 (t), â 8 < t=””>< 8,=”” s2=”” (t)=”a21″ F1=”” (t)=”” +=”” a22=”” F2=”” (t),=”” â=”” 8=””>< t=””>< 8,=”” where=”” the=”” basis=”” functions=”” F1=”” (t)=”” and=”” F2=”” (t)=”” are=”” both=”” real=”” valued,=”” but=”” the=”” coefficients=”” a11,=”” a12,=”” a21,=”” and=”” a22=”” are=”” complex=”” valued.=”” prove=”” the=”” complex=”” form=”” of=”” the=”” schwarz=”” inequality,=”” where=”” the=”” asterisk=”” denotes=”” complex=”” conjugation.=”” when=”” is=”” this=”” relation=”” satisfied=”” with=”” the=”” equality=””>