Analyze vaccinations and autism rates and disease-based studies such as diabetes and heart disease to respond to these concepts.

Write a 500-750 words analysis that includes the following: For a study of vaccinations and autism rates and disease-based studies such as diabetes and heart disease to respond to these concepts.
Summary of the topic you chose with rationale. (This may have personal significance to you or it may be a topic of particular interest that you have seen in the news.)
Explanation of the significance of the two research studies to health care delivery in the United States.
Description of the major functions provided by research and data monitoring of health care delivery in the United States.
Identification of potential environments within health care delivery appropriate to research and data monitoring.
Assessment of the impact of the studies in your chosen articles related to health care delivery, incorporating and expanding on the information you provided in Part One. Were the studies intended to change or influence health care delivery? If so, how? If not, what are the implications of each study for health care delivery?
Assessment of the role the allied health professional plays, or could play, in research and data monitoring of health care delivery in the United States.